Spark Development Company

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed general-purpose cluster-computing framework and handles both batches as well as real-time analytics and data processing workloads. Researchers were looking for a way to speed up processing jobs in Apache Hadoop systems.

It extends the model of MapReduce to efficiently use it for more types of computations, which includes interactive queries and stream processing. Spark provides native bindings for Java and Python programming languages. In addition, it includes several libraries to support build applications for machine learning, Spark Streaming, and graph processing. Spark Big data consists of Spark Core and a set of libraries. Spark Core is the heart of Apache Spark and it is responsible for providing distributed scheduling, task transmission and I/O functionality. The Spark Core engine uses the concept of an RDD as its basic data type.

Spark Development company

Apache Spark Development Features

Custom PHP Development-icon

Ease of Use

Very easy to use even to those who are new to the data handling and the analytics.
PHP Based CMS Development-icon

Analytics Made Easier

It is one of the few platforms which offers tools and libraries that can also perform advanced analytics on the collected data.

Flexible Platform

High APIs across many languages like python and java though it writes in Scala.

User Profiling

Spark implementation services also include user profiling where we take stock of the app that the data insights will use for.

Real-time Data Analysis

We create a customized plan to create a platform that works infinitely fast and delivers the proper insights at the right time.

Machine Learning App

We can make use of the machine learning library in Spark and create an algorithm that works effectively and quickly with your other data processes.
Angular JS Development

Benefits of using Apache Spark for
Database Development

  • Apache Spark is the Fast, flexible, and developer-friendly.
  • It performs RDD transformations on those mini-batches of data.
  • Apache Spark is 100 times faster than MapReduce.
  • The leading platform for large-scale SQL, batch processing and machine learning.
  • It distributed in-memory storage for high-performance processing across a variety of use cases.

Let's start a project with us!

Creative and expertise Spark team will help you to give best solution to your business.